Hello to everyone who reads my blog!
I'm not sure how many people do, but I do know that I have been asked fairly frequently over the last few months for an I've been a little preoccupied to write. However, now is the time for an update! It seems impossible to me that it has nearly been 9 months since I've update the blog! I'm going to try to be better about that in the future!
So, where are we at now with this process? Well, we are still waiting! It's incredible to me that we've been officially in the adoption pool for over a year now. I just finished doing the relicensing paperwork over the past two days. Since we will technically be foster parents for the first 6 months after we get our placement, we have to watch videos and read books for our continuing education each year, and then we have to resubmit and update all of the foster care licensing paperwork that we did for our certification last year.
To make a long story short, I spent over 7 hours just filling out and submitting the paperwork for relicensing over the last two days. I was surprised how much of an emotional toll it took on me. Redoing the paperwork that we had done over a year ago, plus the fact that we have been waiting so long caught up with me last night. It's one of those things about adoption that you don't fully understand until you're in it. The passage of time goes by so quickly, yet so slowly. One year been filled with so many changes for our family from Joe changing jobs, to Lydia's loosing her first teeth and starting Kindergarten.
Please don't think that I'm set on complaining. We have been so blessed to even be in this position! God has been so faithful to us, and we know that He will bring our child to us when the timing is right. Our adoption agency has tried to keep us in the loop. I know that our portfolio has been presented on several occasions, but it wasn't the right timing. Please continue to pray that God will give us patience and also, if it's in His will, that we will get a placement soon!
We really do appreciate all of your prayers, questions, and support through this process! I'm hoping that my next update will be a very exciting one, but we will have to wait and see! :)
Oh, one last thing! Our social worker encouraged us to ask that if anyone knows someone who is contemplating adoption, please tell them about us! I'll also be sharing our GoFundMe account on Facebook again today, since we still have some extra adoption expenses that are coming up that we would be extremely blessed to have some help with!
Thank you to you all for your prayers! We are so blessed to have family and friends support us!
With lots of love,
Joe, Shiloh, and Lydia